Conference registration closes on Wednesday 29 November.
Friday 1st December
14:00 – 16:00 Pre Conference Workshop
Astro Cartography Workshop
Rod Chang
19:30 Opening
20:00-21:00 Opening Presentation
Quick Accurate Delineation to Amaze and Inspire, Including Looking Ahead Using Profections.
Sharon Knight
How to quickly hone in on the important planets in a chart and by using simple Profections you can see the area of life that will be pulled into focus during the coming year. No computer needed, just your fingers and a knowledge of your 12 X table.
Saturday 2nd Dec
How Successful People Turn Debility into Achievement
Jupiter Lai
Planets in debility (like fall and detriment) are usually viewed as being incapable and weak, which could be blockages to success. And yet, successful entrepreneurs and celebrities do have debilitated planets in their charts. In this talk, we are going to study how they turn their weakness into traits and skills which contribute to their achievement.
Mood Disorders – Dreams and Declinations
Christos Archos
In this lecture, we will explore how mood disorders can be identified through dream analysis and further illuminated by various declination techniques. Declinations offer insights into a multitude of psychological phenomena and disorders. Moreover, they provide avenues to help individuals comprehend the underlying causes of their barriers to happiness. Additionally, when we merge dream interpretation with astrology, we can unearth elements deeply embedded within the unconscious. Leveraging psychoanalytic techniques, we can then bring these hidden aspects to the forefront and confront our inner shadows.
Working with Astrology
Christeen Skinner D.F.Astrol. S, F.R.S.A
It is now almost 25 years since Charles Harvey and Mike Harding produced the outstanding and ground-breaking book that is the title of this talk. In that work, the fundamentals of midpoints, harmonics and astrocartography were explored.
This talk pays homage to their exemplary work and explores – through examples – how their insights helped me develop my working practice.
Synastry – A Bridge to our Future Self
Margaret Gray MSW
This presentation will take a deeper look at synastry and its perfect timing. We’ll consider how our current encounters support our inner development and form a bridge to a more insightful and self-loving future self. Exploring synastry aspects to the planets and angles of example charts, we’ll look at what can potentially awaken in this process, and the life changing impact it can have on our life.
A Look at the History of the Lunar Nodes in Astrology
Mark Cullen
Most astrologers work with the lunar nodes and many regard them as a key part of the horoscope. However, there is no astrological consensus on how to delineate them. Historically, contrasting astrological traditions have evolved regarding how to interpret the nodes in Hellenistic, Medieval, and Indian astrology. In addition, newer approaches towards delineating the nodes emerged in Western astrology in the 20th century. After, reviewing these differing approaches we will explore the nodes in practical chart examples with a particular focus on their influence in planetary
conjunctions, squares (bendings) and transits.
Draconic Transits
María Blaquier
Draconic is a branch of astrology based on lunar symbolism that offers a deeper viewpoint into one’s inner motivations. Whereas the Tropical zodiac is about our psychological traits; the Draconic zodiac alludes to memory and inheritance and previous incarnations. It is impressed within the tropical, and both interact.
Draconic transits trigger subjective issues that will impact external behavior for a very long time and often describe very accurately what happens behind the scenes of an event.
The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction: To Infinity and Beyond!
Fernanda Paiva
In April 2024 Jupiter and Uranus will meet in the sky, reflecting opportunities for a new perspective through higher vision and learning. But what else could this transit be offering us and our potential for growth? In this talk we will explore this topic more deeply, through a myriad of ways, including past transits and people’s charts, so we can prepare ourselves to make the most of it by understanding its different potentials.
Cycle of Saturn-Neptune: Reality and Illusion Together
In 2025-2061, this new cycle of Saturn and Neptune will bring us new challenges related to reality and illusion. What the future unfolds with this cycle? How these two planets will interact in the future? What message this conjunction brings us in 0 Aries? We will analyze the main factors of this new cycle 2025-2061.
Sunday 3rd December
Chiron- An Awakening Journey
Mayumi Sakuya
Discovered as a minor planet (then an asteroid) in 1977, Chiron takes its name from the Greek myth of the centaur. It is also known as “the wounded healer” and brings awareness to buried wounds and helps heal them.
But that’s not all, this celestial body, which travels between Saturn and Uranus, also plays an important role in our awakening journey. In this talk, we will explore Chiron from various aspects and deepen our understanding of Chiron.
Your Astrologically Chosen Career Path for the New Era
Izabela Podlaska-Konkel
A natal horoscope will show us the most important professional predispositions and the direction of our career. However, it is not easy to determine what profession will suit our character and bring us satisfaction and fulfilment. We will learn how to analyse our horoscope for skills and talents that will enable us to find an optimal profession when everything around is changing and the future is less certain than it used to be.
The Astral Apothecary
Marcos Patchett
Medical herbalist and astrologer Marcos Patchett investigates the use of medicinal plants with astrology in traditional Western medicine, and explores how these old-school belief systems (such as humoral medicine, astrological rulerships, and sympathetic magic) illuminate universal principles of astrological problem-solving.
When Bridges Don’t Always Meet in The Middle – Minor Aspects in Relationships
Mandi Lockley
Through our relationships, we are constantly building and sometimes breaking bridges between ourselves and others. We most obviously look to the Opposition aspects for relationship clues and themes, but we can also see relationship dynamics in the so-called ‘minor’ aspects that we often ignore. With chart examples, we will look at how Sesquiquadrate and Quincunx aspects in our natal charts and synastry show up in relationships. While the Sesquiquadrate tends to represent how some of our unconscious motivations play out, the Quincunx suggests where both parties need to make adjustments in the face of discomfort.
Declination: The Forgotten Key to Time, Weather and Markets
Tania Daniels
The Sun’s declination defines the equinoxes and solstices and, hence, time. It also sets the boundaries for the motion of all the other planets. Declination influences the rising time of the signs and is therefore related to speed and behaviour of the planets. This information is important in medicine, architecture, weather, or financial markets. The lunar declination cycles are little known today but were part of the complex astronomical knowledge of Stonehenge. In this talk, we will see how both cycles are useful in practice.
Zodiac Sign Changes of Transaturnine Slow Planets
Fernando Guimarães
We are all witnessing significant changes in social and human terms through the shifts and transits of slow planets to air and fire signs; which, from 2026 onward, will change political, economic and cultural aspects of our society in a way that has never been seen before. In this conversation, we will look into these matters which are already in progress.
The Wheel of Fortune in Natal Analysis
R. Hakan Kırkoğlu
The lot of fortune, though underrated much, is one the five essential points in the helenistic astrology and it describes the things which befallen to us, like our bodily matters as well as benefits from several sources. Interestingly, we can construct a derived chart by assuming the part of fortune as a secondary ascendant. Famed Roman astrologer from the 1st century AD, Marcus Manilius who was the writer of Astronomica tells us that this new derived chart is indeed an another way of looking at our fortunes in life. This novel approach will be presented via different chart examples.
19:00-20:00 Closing Presentation
Exploring Family Dynamics
Luiza Azancot
“In every conceivable manner, the family is a link to our past, bridge to our future”, Alex Haley, the American novelist and author of “Roots”.
A bridge is not just a structure connecting two points, in this case the past and the future, but also helps you get over an obstacle, a hurdle, a river, a ravine. In order to march into the future with confidence and purpose, it is helpful to look into the astrological patterns within a family that often emerge and get passed on over and over. Some are positive, some are really stumbling blocks until they are resolved.
Pre conference workshop
Friday 1st December 2003
AstroCartography Workshop
Rod Chang
Astrologers see birth charts as maps in the sky. However, when it comes to questions like “where should I go to study” or “which cities are better for me to relocate to”, we, as astrologers, usually need to cast relocation charts for these places that are in our consideration.
In the 1970s, two astrolocality skills – AstroCartography and Local Space were introduced to astrologers. Both techniques present planetary influences on the World map, making it much easier for astrologers to understand the particular influences of places on a person.
In this astromap workshop, Rod will teach you:
- An introduction to astromap
- How to use astromap to find a better place to live / where to relocate to for the best career / where to go for a relaxing (or romantic) holiday
- What is paran and how it works in Astromap
- How to apply transits and progressions to Astromap techniques
- How to use local space in daily life and Astro-Feng-shui

Ana Andrade is from Lima, Peru. She is a certified ISAR-CAP astrologer and she is currently the International Delegate of the NCGR in Peru. Ana has participated as an international speaker in various conferences in the UK (Astrological Association of Great Britain and Astrological Lodge of London), USA (UAC 2018), India (Krisnamurthi Institute of Astrology), and Turkey (AstroArt Astroloji Okulu). As a virtual speaker, Ana has presented for Kepler College, ISAR Turkey, Deneysel Astroloji Akademi and The Federación Venezolana de Astrólogos.
Ana has published in GAIA magazine and as co-author in The Journal of Research of the AFA and in the ISAR Journal.
Ana has studied Horary Astrology in the School of Traditional Astrology and participates as panelist in the Worldscope monthly meeting of the Academy of Astrology in the UK.
Contact: astroanaandrade@gmail.com Facebook: Ana Andrade

Christos Archos ( Greece )
Christos Archos is a renowned Greek astrologer based in Athens, has been practicing astrology professionally since 2003. As the founder of the Mediterranean and Balkan Institute for Astrological Research, he is dedicated to educating and fostering connections between astrologers and enthusiasts within these regions. Widely recognized on Greek television and radio, Archos also maintains a strong presence on social media. With a foundation in psychology, he holds dual master’s degrees in Clinical and Health Psychology. Additionally, he is a certified CBT therapist and has training in Family Constellations.

Luiza Azancot ( Portugal) Closing Presentation Speaker
Luiza Azancot – A triple Gemini born in Lisbon, Portugal, has had a non-linear path that included an MBA in International Business, and residence in several countries. Astrology has been her full-time occupation since 2001. While living in the USA, completed level IV of the NCGR-PAA certification.
After returning to Portugal, becomes the editor of “4 Estações” and adviser to the Portuguese Astrological Association, publishing a book “Diary of an Astrologer” in 2015. Has presented at several international conferences and her articles have been featured in The Astrological Journal of Great Britain, and Isar website.
Although her main activity is as an astrological consultant with local and international clients, she cares for her vegetable garden and writes an occasional bilingual blog on mundane and personal astrology
Email: luizaazancot@gmail.com

María Blaquier ( Argentina )
María Blaquier, born in Argentina, has been involved with astrology since 1987. She is the founder of the online astrology school Academia de Astrología Avanzada MB (at
www.mariablaquier.com). Maria holds the STA’s Practitioners Level Certification in Horary, the STA’s Advanced Level Horary Diploma Course, and the STA’s Medical Astrology Course. She is currently completing the STA’s Masters Level Program. Her studies also include Psychological, Draconic, Hellenistic and Medieval Astrology. Her publications include several articles in The Astrological Journal, Stellium, IAMINFINITY, MidHeaven, astro.com; a book on Traditional astrology and Time Lord techniques (Astrología tradicional: Técnicas predictivas de los Señores del tiempo: ed. Kier, Bs. As.); and YouTube tutorials.
She teaches the STA horary course in the Spanish speaking world, and is part of the Spanish Speaking Satellite at OPA.

Rod Chang ( Taiwan )
Rod Chang has studied astrology for over twenty years, He has spoken at numbers of international conferences in Poland, the UK and Australia, and has also been invited to teach at the Faculty of Astrological Studies Summer school in Oxford.
His favourite aspects in astrology are fixed stars, mundane astrology, financial astrology, astromap and a humanistic approach to astrology. He has written a number of books on astrology in Chinese and has taught it in Mandarin for over ten years. He is a co-founder of the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai. Rod is also the founder of the newly launched Academy of Astrology UK, bringing the AOA to English-speaking students of astrology.

Mark Cullen ( UK )
Mark Cullen has been exploring astrology since the early 1980’s. After studying modern astrology with the Faculty of Astrological Studies in the early 1990s he completed Deborah Houlding’s STA (School of Traditional Astrology) Certificate in Horary in 2005 and more recently the STA Practitioner course in 2023. Mark was Chair of the Scottish Astrological Association from 2011-2016 and is mundane astrology moderator on the Skyscript website. He is a specialist in ancient and medieval astrological techniques and in mundane astrology. Mark has researched a variety of topics in depth such as lunar nodes, declination, fixed stars and comets. He lives in Edinburgh and works as a manager in a charity/NGO.

Tania Daniels ( Italy )
Tania Daniels holds a degree in business administration and became interested in Astrology in 1998 after having read an astrological analysis of Leonardo da Vinci’s last Supper. She finished training in psychological astrology in 2002 at the Berlin school of the German Astrology Association (DAV).
She holds the STA Horary Diploma (master course) and gained her certificate in Hellenistic Astrology in early 2017 and is member of the APAI. Tania is deeply interested in the very foundations of astrology and fascinated by the hidden information in cosmologies and religions from all over the world, Ayurveda, natural health and medical astrology, as well as in the forecasting techniques of ancient astrology. She has published more than 50 articles which have been published in German, Spanish, English, Italian and Turkish on www.astro.com, in the English Astrological Journal, the German Meridian Fachzeitschrift für Astrologie and the Italian Linguaggio Astrale, the ISAR Magazine, the Spanish Stellium magazine, the AFAN magazine, in the publication The Ascendant and in the Infinity Astrological Magazine. She is a tutor for the QHP and an international conference speaker. Tania is currently finishing her book on Latitude, declination, nodes and apogee: The lost secrets of our ancestors. She lives in Italy and offers horary and natal consultations in four languages in person and via zoom.

Margaret Gray, MSW, B.A. Counselling and Psychotherapy, Diploma Psychological Astrology (CPA) (Ireland)
Margaret has been a consulting and teaching astrologer for over 30 years. She is currently based in her native Dublin, although part of her heart remains in Hawaii! She offers birth chart readings to clients internationally, as well as presentations at conferences worldwide. Margaret’s work is grounded in a Jungian based psychological approach. She is passionate about the Astrology of Relationships and is the co-founder of ‘Relationships and Astrology’, which offers certificate courses and webinars in the Astrology of Relationships. Margaret also set up and co-runs Astrology Ireland. She is a practicing psychotherapist and works extensively with couples.

Fernando Guimarães ( Brazil )
Fernando Guimarães is a Brazilian astrologer, researcher, translator, and teacher of English ESL, with a background in astrology and over three decades of experience. He specializes in contemporary techniques and actively contributes to the astrological community as the Coordinator of the CAN, the Brazilian National Association of Astrologers. A member of esteemed associations such as AFAN, ISAR, NCGR, Fernando is dedicated to promoting the integrity and advancement of astrology. Beyond teaching, he engages with the community through publications, events, and his bilingual AstroKabana channel on YouTube and Instagram [@nandoastrokabana], passionately sharing insights and knowledge about our celestial art.

R. Hakan Kırkoğlu ( Turkey )
Hakan has been a leading figure of Astrology in Turkey as a consultant, teacher and writer. (D.F.Astrol.S and ISAR CAP) He has BSc in Management Engineering and MA degrees in History and Economics. He especially combines ancient techniques with contemporary use. He is the founder and principal of School of Wisdom of Sky in Istanbul and ISAR global director for Turkey.

Sharon Knight ( UK ) Opening Presentation Speaker
Sharon has worked as a qualified, professional astrologer for over 30 years with a global client base. She began her studies with the world renowned Faculty of Astrology to Diploma level, before qualifying as a QHP with Olivia Barclay. She gained her MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology in 2004. She’s a Fellow of the Association of Professional Astrologers International (www.professionalastrologers.co.uk) and has been Chair of the Association for over a decade. Sharon has her own course teaching Traditional Professional Predictive Astrology and is also a Tutor and Convenor for the QHP course in Horary Astrology. In 2016 Sharon won the Coveted Astrologer of the Year title in India. Sharon is one of the few astrologers worldwide to have correctly predicted Trumps victory, (although she got it wrong in 2020!) as well as Brexit, David Cameron becoming Prime Minister and other mundane predictions. In the past Sharon taught Astrology at Adult Education classes and has spoken at various Conferences both in the UK and overseas. She’s written columns for women’s magazines, newspapers and astrological journals, and for 11 years had a regular slot on local radio discussing astrology and world events. Sharon is one of only three professional astrologers in the UK who just uses the seven naked eye planets as used by all astrologers up until the 18th Century. Her website is www.astrologersharon.co.uk

Jupiter Lai ( Hong Kong )
Jupiter is a practising astrologer based in Hong Kong, co-founder of the Academy of Astrology. Jupiter lectures a wide range of subjects from natal to mundane astrology. She also incorporates Chinese astrology and Feng Shui in her own practice. Jupiter began her formal study with the Faculty of Astrological Study and later received certification as a horary practitioner from Deborah Houlding’s School of Traditional Astrology (STA). She is now a tutor of the STA and delivers the Practitioner’s Level Horary Course in Chinese. Jupiter’s passion and focus is to integrate classical principles with psychological approach which she finds insightful in reponse to modern people’s quests in life. Jupiter’s personal website is at www.magiclife.com.hk. You can contact her via email at magiclifehk@gmail.com

Mandi Lockley ( UK )
Mandi Lockley is a London based consulting astrologer, speaker and author. She has written for numerous publications and websites including the UK Astrological Association Journal and astro.com and runs the On Purpose Astrology website. She is a regular speaker at astrological groups and organisations, is a monthly contributor to the AOAUK’s YouTube channel and runs her own YouTube Channel, On Purpose Astrology. Mandi holds the London School of Astrology’s Diploma and is a member of the Association of Professional Astrologers International (APAI). She also holds a CertHE in Psychodynamic Counselling, with Distinction, from Birkbeck, University of London, is a Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki Master and is currently studying advanced psychic mediumship at The College of Psychic Studies.

Fernanda Paiva (Brazil)
Fernanda Paiva is a teacher and practicing astrologer, with a certificate from the London School of Astrology, a BA. in History, and the MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. She has been published by Flare UK, IAM Infinity magazine, the AA Journal and at the astrodienst website, amongst others. Fernanda is originally from Brazil but has been living in the UK for the past 15 years. Her website is https://www.fernandapaiva.co/

Marcos Patchett, BA, BSc, MAMH, MNIMH. ( UK )
Marcos is a herbalist, medical and horary astrologer, formerly a clinical supervisor for Middlesex University’s Western Herbal Medicine BSc & MSc courses (2013-2018), Westminster University (2021-22), and Heartwood online herbal medicine programmes (2020-2023). He teaches at Kepler College (USA), QHP, and the Academy of Astrology (UK). His first book, The Secret Life of Chocolate, was released in 2020.

Izabela Podlaska-Konkel ( Poland )
Izabela Podlaska-Konkel has been a professional astrologer for many years. She teaches astrology and tarot at the Warsaw School of Astrology and publishes on popular astrological websites: Astroportal.pl and Czary.pl. She is the author of two books: The Horary Astrology in Practice (2017) and The Astrology Textbook (co-authored with Miłosława Krogulska, 2014). She is the NCGR Poland Delegate and the president of the Astrologers’ Association in Poland. Visit her at www.izabelapodlaska.pl Contact her at iza.podlaska@gmail.com

Mayumi Sakuya ( Japan )
President and a lecturer of Academy of Astrology Japan (AOAJ). After completing a course at an astrology school in the U.K in 2014, Mayumi founded AOAJ and published a book on astrology and Greek myth. She has organized seminars, inviting veteran astrologers from abroad, to passionately promote authentic astrology in Japan.

Christeen Skinner D.F.Astrol. S, F.R.S.A ( UK )
Christeen Skinner D.F.Astrol. S, F.R.S.A is a Director of Cityscopes London Ltd – a company offering future-casting services. Christeen taught for the Faculty of Astrological Studies and specialises in Financial Astrology, Midpoints and Harmonics.
She is a popular speaker at conferences and is the author of Exploring the Financial Universe, Navigating the Financial Universe and The Beginner’s Guide to the Financial Universe.