Academy of Astrology Conference 2024

Welcome to Academy of Astrology.

This year, the theme of our conference is Astrology of the World. We have 15 presentations and a workshop by R Hakan Kirkoglu: “Analysing election results: Where the mundane intersects with individual charts” on Friday 1 November.

More details will follow soon about the presentation topics.

The full conference price is £120 (including the Friday workshop), but currently there is a discounted price of £80 (including the Friday workshop), this discount ends on 18 Oct 2024 at midnight.   

If you do not have access to paypal, then you can purchase the ticket through the eventbrite website here (note that they charge an additional, non-refundable administration fee).

Please see our terms and conditions here.

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By default, the email address linked with your Paypal account is the one that we will use to send you the webinar link and other emails related to the event. If you normally use another email account to receive mails, please let us know after you have completed the payment process.



Academy of Astrology 2024 Webinar series

From 2024 we will have two webinars each month. Each webinar will be a 90 minutes talk, including a Q & A session.  Each Webinar is £20 and you can register by clicking on the Paypal button below. If you don’t have access to PayPal, please email, letting us know the course(s) you want to attend, and we will send you instructions on how to pay via “wise”.

We will record the webinar and make it available for those who enrol, to listen again. We will aim to send out a link to the recording around 2 days after the webinar and it will be available for up to 30 days after we send out the link.


Saturday 19 October 4PM UK Time (Convert to your time zone here.)

Comet and Astrology 

Rod Chang

A possible great comet may be bright in the night sky in October. Comets are associated with taboos in people’s hearts. Whenever people see comets, they immediately believe that something bad or catastrophic is going to happen. In this talk I would like to talk about: what ancient astrologers considered when making predictions about comets; how we can interpret the influence of comets using a more modern psychological astrological approach; and the influence of comets on personal charts. I will also look at how to use the NASA website to generate an ephemeris for a comet or other celestial body.

£20: You can register by clicking on the Paypal button below.

If you do not have access to paypal, then you can purchase the ticket through the eventbrite website (note that they charge an additional, non-refundable administration fee). Please email, letting us know the course(s) you want to attend, and we will send you the eventbrite link.


Previous Webinars in this series

Saturday 13th  January 2024 4PM UK Time (Convert to your time zone here.)

What Changes can we expect in 2024?

Robyn Ray

As we move from the Piscean Age towards the Aquarian Age, what can we expect in the coming months? How can we use the Moon Phase Cycles to guide us on this extraordinary journey?
The outer Planetary Cycles give us the backdrop, but the Moon Phase Cycles can be used to pinpoint and time events into the future. Being able to follow and time the many stories that unfold in the world around us, enriches and enhances our Astrology.

Robyn Ray D.F.Astrol.S., R.C.Astrol., STA., FAPAI
Robyn is a Teacher, a Counsellor, and a Consultant, combining both Modern and Traditional
Astrology. She was one of the original Members of the APAI where she worked as a Council Member for many years. Her fascination with the Lunar Phases began when she found that she could use them to time events in the future, with the extraordinary accuracy that this system provides.

£20 You can register by clicking on the Paypal button below.

Registration for this webinar has now closed.

Saturday 20th  January 2024 4PM UK Time (Convert to your time zone here.)

Finding your Partner(s) in the Chart

Sharon  Knight

I think for most of the world, a chief concern that affects everyone is that of relationships. When, where, how will I meet “The One?” Sadly not everyone sails off into the sunset holding hands with a life partner. Can we see this in the natal chart? We will take a light hearted look at the indicators for marriage, how to find it, the potential quality of the intended and the when.

Sharon  Knight

Sharon Knight Sharon has worked as a qualified, professional astrologer for over 30 years with a global client base. She began her studies with the world renowned Faculty of Astrology to Diploma level, before qualifying as a QHP with Olivia Barclay. She gained her MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology in 2004. She’s a Fellow of the Association of Professional Astrologers International  ( and has been Chair of the Association for over a decade. Sharon has her own course teaching Traditional Professional Predictive Astrology and is also a Tutor and Convenor for the QHP course in Horary Astrology. In 2016 Sharon won the Coveted Astrologer of the Year title in India. Sharon is one of the few astrologers worldwide to have correctly  predicted Trumps victory, (although she got it wrong in 2020!) as well as Brexit, David Cameron becoming Prime Minister and other mundane predictions. In the past Sharon taught Astrology at Adult Education classes and has spoken at various Conferences both in the UK and overseas. She’s written columns for women’s magazines, newspapers and astrological journals, and for 11 years had a regular slot on local radio discussing astrology and world events. Sharon is one of only three professional astrologers in the UK who just uses the seven naked eye planets as used by all astrologers up until the 18th Century. Her website is

£20 You can register by clicking on the Paypal button below. Registration for the webinar will close on Friday 19th Jan.

Registration for this webinar has now closed.

Saturday 10th  February  2024    4PM UK Time (Convert to your time zone here.)

Earthquakes in Astrology

Ana  Andrade

Earthquakes are natural events that man cannot control and when they appear, they generate consequences in the lives of many people and socio-economic impact for the region affected.   In this webinar, we will explore a wide range of charts related to events of earthquakes around the world and analyze the planetary alignment and  astrological factors that were present in the moment of manifestation of this natural event.

Ana  Andrade

Ana is from Lima, Peru.  She is ISAR-CAP astrologer and she is currently the International Delegate of the NCGR in Peru.  Ana has participated as an international speaker in different conferences in UK, USA, India and Turkey.    Ana has studied Horary Astrology in the School of Traditional Astrology. Her contact is

£20 You can register by clicking on the Paypal button below. Registration for the webinar will close on Friday 9th Feb.

Registration for this webinar has now closed.

Saturday 24th February  Astrology  4PM UK Time (Convert to your time zone here.)

Darby Costello

Using the astrological chart to help ourselves work with other people, play with other people and love other people is one of the richest gifts astrology has to offer us. There are many ways to do this. Here we shall look at some of the ways we might explore our relationships astrologically, so to get the very best from them and ourselves.

Darby Costello

Darby has been an astrologer for more than half her life and is engaged in many layers of the astrological community. She taught at the Centre for Psychological Astrology from 1988 and became Head Tutor in the mid 1990s. She has taught at the Faculty of Astrological Studies since the early 1990s and she has taught internationally, though these days it is mostly online! She has written several books on astrology; some on her own and some in collaboration with other astrologers. In 2006 she was awarded an MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at Bath Spa University. In 2013 she received the Charles Harvey award for Exceptional Service to Astrology. Still today, her consultation practice is at the heart of her working life as an astrologer.

£20 You can register by clicking on the Paypal button below. Registration for the webinar will close on Friday 23th Feb.

Registration for this webinar has now closed.


Saturday 16th March 2024 4pm UK time (Convert to your time zone here.)

Juno and Ceres: Unseen Players In The Political Landscape of 2024-2025

Lianne McCafferty

Often just interpreted from a personal perspective, Juno and Ceres have much to offer mundane astrology too. In this talk we will explore how they can deepen our collective insight by using them to examine the political, economic and social landscape of the next 12 months.

Lianne McCafferty D.M.S. Astrol, MAPAI

Lianne holds the Mayo School of Astrology Diploma (Distinction) in both natal & mundane astrology, and has been one of its tutors for several years. In addition to teaching, consulting, speaking and writing, with numerous articles published in the likes of the AA and NCGR Journals, her current research is focused on asteroids and dwarf planets.

As a former professional sportsperson and coach prior to transitioning into martial arts and achieving Black Belt in Shotokan Karate, she is particularly interested in the use of astrology to help enhance sport performance.

£20 You can register by clicking on the Paypal button below. Registration for the webinar will close on Friday 15th March.

Registration for this webinar has now closed.

Saturday 23rd 4PM UK Time (Convert to your time zone here.)

March Crisis and Cleansing, the power of Solar Eclipse 

Eclipses are an important forecasting tool. In this talk Rod will present his study of eclipses, combining Saros and Metonic cycles. How to use them for forecasting mundane events and personal development; and how to use powerful eclipses when you are under their influence. We will also focus on the upcoming solar eclipse on the 8th of April, which will be visible in North America, and how it will affect us.  

Rod Chang has studied astrology for over twenty years, He has spoken at several international conferences in Poland, the UK, and Australia, Rod has also been invited to teach at the Faculty of Astrological Studies Summer school in Oxford.   

His favourite aspects are fixed stars, comets, mundane astrology, financial astrology, astromap and a humanistic approach to astrology. Rod also hosts live-streaming podcasts with guest speakers on YouTube channel AOAUK1 and Instagram handle @AOAUKROD, please follow for more details.

£20 You can register by clicking on the Paypal button below. Registration for the webinar will close on Friday 22nd March.Registration for this Webinar is now closed

Saturday 27th April 4PM UK Time (Convert to your time zone here.)

Life Purpose in the Birth Chart

Our birth chart is a treasure chest of information about our character and potential ready for the unlocking, including clues to discovering our unique life purpose. Living a consciously on-purpose life is not only more fulfilling for us, it also serves a purpose in the world. In this talk we will discuss how to find the major clues in the natal chart as well as sharing some tips for how to start putting that knowledge into action.

Mandi Lockley is a London based consulting astrologer, speaker and author. She has written for numerous publications and websites including the UK Astrological Association Journal and and runs the On Purpose Astrology website. She is a regular speaker at astrological groups and organisations, is a monthly contributor to the AOAUK’s YouTube channel and runs her own YouTube Channel, On Purpose Astrology. Mandi holds the London School of Astrology’s Diploma and is a member of the Association of Professional Astrologers International (APAI). She also holds a CertHE in Psychodynamic Counselling, with Distinction, from Birkbeck, University of London, is a Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki Master and is currently studying advanced psychic mediumship at The College of Psychic Studies.

£20 You can register by clicking on the Paypal button below. Registration for the webinar has closed.

Saturday 8th June 4pm UK Time (Convert to your time zone here.)

Family Astrology

Luiza Azancot

A natal chart is analyzed as a solo entity.  Should it stand alone?  We did not auto-generate.  We are born from parents; we belong to a family circle.  A family is not just a group of people related by blood, marriage, or adoption.  It is much more than that. 

In this Webinar I will be looking at how even beginner astrologers can learn to find the web of interactions inside a family, roles, secrets, values, expectations or unlived desires that might be passed on to you.

Luiza Azancot – A triple Gemini born in Lisbon, Portugal, has had a non-linear path that included an MBA in International Business, and residence in several countries. Astrology has been her full-time occupation since 2001. While living in the USA, completed level IV of the NCGR-PAA certification.  

After returning to Portugal, becomes the editor of “4 Estações” and adviser to the Portuguese Astrological Association, publishing a book “Diary of an Astrologer” in 2015. Has presented at several international conferences and her articles have been featured in The Astrological Journal of Great Britain, and Isar website.

Although her main activity is as an astrological consultant with local and international clients, she cares for her vegetable garden and writes an occasional bilingual blog on mundane and personal astrology


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Saturday 6th July 4pm UK Time (Convert to your time zone here.)

Will you still love me when I’m 64?

Margaret Gray, MSW, B.A. Counselling and Psychotherapy, Diploma Psychological Astrology (CPA)

Join me in exploring the pluses and minuses of relationship charts when the age gap is 12 years or more, and how astrology can create a bridge across differences. We’ll consider what the impact is of having transpersonal/generational planets in different signs, experiencing developmental stages ahead and behind each other, and managing the projection of unresolved parent/child issues.  


Margaret has been a consulting and teaching astrologer for over 30 years. She is currently based in her native Dublin, although part of her heart remains in Hawaii! She offers birth chart readings to clients internationally, as well as presentations at conferences worldwide. Margaret’s work is grounded in a Jungian based psychological approach. She is passionate about the Astrology of Relationships and is the co-founder of ‘Relationships and Astrology’, which offers certificate courses and webinars in the Astrology of Relationships. Margaret also set up and co-runs Astrology Ireland. She is a practicing psychotherapist and works extensively with couples.

£20: You can register by clicking on the Paypal button below.

Registration for this webinar has now closed.


Saturday 10th August 2024 4PM UK Time (Convert to your time zone here.)

Workshop: Having Fun with Chart Interpretation

Sue Tompkins

During this webinar Sue will talk about interpreting charts in various contexts. She will show some charts in detail and will discuss what is important and what, arguably, is not. What to focus on, what to exclude. Included will be discussion of aspects, orbs and angles and short, sometimes only two planet examples, to illustrate how astrology can be both jokey and real fun.

Sue Tompkins is an experienced consultant and teacher of astrology (qualifying in 1981) also a fully registered homeopath (qualifying in 1996). Her books, Aspects in Astrology (1989) and The Contemporary Astrologer’s Handbook (2006), continue to be best-selling titles around the world. Her approach to astrology is psychological, contemporary and practical and she has a special interest in medical astrology. She has received various awards including a Fellowship from the Faculty of Astrological Studies and in 2003 the UK’s Astrological Association’s Charles Harvey Award for exceptional service to astrology. She lectures widely at home and abroad.

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